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[Tribu RH] - A look back at the conference "Data in HR: threat or opportunity?"

30 November 2023 Association

Over 70% of companiesnow claim thatHR analytics is one of their top priorities. Yet only 5% of Big Data investments are allocated to HR.

On June 17, the HR tribe held a conference entitled " La DATA dans les RH: menace ou opportunité?" organized by the students of theMastère Spécialisé® Expert en Ressources Humaines, with the collaboration of the Tribu RH and the Tribu Innovation of TBS Alumni.

It was an opportunity to define certain important notions - what is data, what is its legal framework - and to address several questions such as:

  • How and why is data used by companies?
  • Should we see it as a real HR management tool for companies, or do we need to protect ourselves from a massive intrusion into our private lives?
  • What are the main challenges facing data science in HR, and why?
  • What are the prospects for tomorrow's AI?

A great evening with over 40 participants connected to tackle a hot topic in the world of HR...and business in general.

See the attached presentation of the evening, and don't hesitate to contact the organizers of this superb conference.

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