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Nathalie LADRIÈRE (TBS 2007) - Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence

05 November 2020 Careers

«To understand others, learn to understand yourself»

Nathalie LADRIERE is a specialist in learning neuroscience and management of emotions and stress. Today, Nathalie works as a trainer and facilitator within the structure, Stimuli.

Emotional intelligence allows us to understand how emotions work, which in turn, is an opportunity to learn techniques to channel them, as well as learning how to develop the empathy needed in professional life. Emotions are sometimes felt as uncomfortable but have an essential role to play, particularly because it is not the discomfort that causes emotions, but its intrinsic intensity. As for stress, it is a threshold linked to emotions, impacting not only the body but also our cognitive capacity so it is a good idea to turn it into an ally. 

The training sessions address : 

  • The mechanisms that lead to loosing part (or all) of our ability in case of stress, the famous "blank page syndrome" or state of paralysis.
  • How to(re)engage or increase cognition needed for learning : attention, memory, restitution, consolidation, etc.
  • Tools to moderate the intensity of emotions and therefore, stress, in order to keep peace of mind.

Individual sessions provide the means of accurately targeting the appropriate solutions according to the individual's needs and of removing the related obstacles or fears.

Preferential rates : -15 % off public prices for fully paid-up members of the TBS Alumni network for training and -10% for facilitation.
The services are proposed in French and the Toulouse area. Videoconference and individual sessions are possible.  


You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up member to contact Nathalie LADRIERE

* TBS Graduates from year 2017 and before are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. For more information, click here.
All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation. For more information, click here.


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