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Our directory becomes TBSocial Network!

19 January 2022 Association

You probably knew the directory, the tool accessible via our website and application allowing you to find and get in touch with TBS Alumni from all over the world.... Well, for 2022, it has been revamped! You will now find it under the name of TBSocial Network! 

TBSocial Network is the flagship tool of our network, it is in a way the LinkedIn of TBS Alumni.
The functioning of the platform is simple, as soon as you join the school, a profile is created for you, all you have to do is fill it in with your contact details, experience and skills in order to optimize your visibility.

In short, TBSocial Network is a real goldmine where you can find alumni from all over the world by searching by name, by type of job, by location or even by sector of activity.
Developing your network has never been so easy: you can connect with alumni directly from the tool!


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